As we have seen in previous posts, we can sample a line or your bounding box into points or faces. We can perform the same type of task on your geometry faces. Here is how :

  • Click Extensions > t4su > Edit > SampleFacesAreas

You will be asked to fill in the following command box:

SampleFaces Command Box
    • Select the layer to sample.
    • Select the sampling distance : unlike SampleBBoxArea,  you only have one sampling distance : you can only create squares, or points separated by an equal distance in both (X and Y) directions.
    • Select your unit length
    • You can also select the distance to face. Similar to the z0 value, the distance is calculated as the normal to the surface. Setting a small distance (eg:0.1) is helpful in avoiding pesky overlapping sketchup geometries.
    • Again, you can choose to create points or faces. This really depends on what information you wish to visualize over the discretized space.

Here are two examples of the difference between Sample Points and Sample Faces, both with a 5.0m precision and 0,1m distance from the original geometries.
